How To Load A Pack

The best method of packing is to utilise plastic bags or stuff sacs each with individual meals or specific-use gear. They allow individual packing, permitting easy separation and distribution of items. Food and first aid equipment may be better stored in plastic or light aluminium containers.

HikePackingGuideStuff your sleeping bag into the bottom to create a foundation for the rest of your load.

Now load the remainder of your gear with heavy items such as your cooking gear near your back and as high as possible. Lighter items should be packed lower and away from your back. If you have less than a full load, cinch the side compression straps tightly.

Items that we suggest packing in plastic bags inside your pack include sleeping bag, spare clothing, toiletries, repair kit, tent, food, burner and utensils.

Equipment that may be required en route, should be easily accessible, and preferably placed in pockets.

Some items may be carried outside your pack, including your foam mat, tent, tent poles and rope.