A standing camp is one where we go in and camp near our cars for three or four days. The scouts camp in their patrols and use the patrol gear (tents, stoves, lamps, tables, eskies and frying pans) we have in our hall. The Patrol Leaders prepare the menu for the patrol and look after the buying and organisation of the meals. Just because we are camping near our cars and are taking a trailer doesn’t mean that we don’t have to worry about space. Please think about what you have to take and pack your gear into the smallest bags possible. Enclosed footwear must be worn in camp at all times. No sandals or thongs or bare feet will be allowed.
HAT – one that will cover your ears and the back of your neck, these forgotten places get sunburnt.
DAY BACK PACK AND WHISTLE – a well padded day pack for day hikes.
WATER BOTTLE & LUNCH BOX – for use on day hikes and canoe trips.
SLEEPING MAT – foam bed roll, Thermarest mat, or stretcher bed.
SLEEPING BAG – a good quality sleeping bag with a hood is essential for a good night’s sleep. If it is bulky could you please still pack it in a compression sack.
SLEEPING BAG LINER – protects the inside of your sleeping bag, it makes the bag warmer in cold weather, if it’s too hot to sleep in your bag, you can sleep in it with your bag over you.
SMALL CUSHION – for a pillow.
MESS KIT – Dinner plate, bowl, mug, knife, fork, dessert spoon, teaspoon & tea towel in a cloth drawstring bag.
LIGHTWEIGHT TORCH – with fresh batteries.
PLASTIC BAGS – for dirty or wet clothes and shoes, garbage bag to put your gear in if the weather
turns bad.
FIRST AID KIT – lipsil, rid/aeroguard, sunscreen, bandaids, 2-3 panadol, stingose, puritabs, sachet of gastrolyte, 4 salt sachets, a compression bandage, a triangular sling in a waterproof zip lock bag an some knowledge of basic first aid are imperative. Leaders (by law) cannot give medication or panadol to Scouts. You can, however, take your own and if any type of medication or panadol are in your first aid kit, your parents or guardians must include an authorisation which is handed to the section leader.
TOILET GEAR – backpackers trowel & toilet paper for day hikes. We dig enclosed toilets for camp.
PERSONAL HYGIENE EQUIPMENT – small purse pack style wet ones, small packet tissues, cotton handkerchief for canoeing, small soap, deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste, comb, small mirror.
TOWEL – you need one or two towels with you, a pactowl and a normal towel would be good.
CLOTH DRAW STRING BAGS – to keep your utensils, clothes and bits and pieces organised.
- walking shoes – in good condition and comfortable. Bring a spare pair that can get wet for use when canoeing.
- walking socks – it is important to change your socks daily.
- undies – a clean pair for each day is essential.
- shorts – are comfortable in most conditions and are recommended for hiking.
- trackpants – are essential for cold weather and evenings, and definitely - NOT JEANS.
- shirts – short sleeve and long sleeve, both with collar for protection against both sunburn and cold.
- pure wool long sleeved jumper – is best, a thick fleece jumper or warm jacket to wear at night when it’s cold.
- beanie – to keep your head warm at night.
- something to sleep in.
- poncho or rain jacket.
Large supply of good humour and common sense and we’ll all have a great time!