Joeys Programme Resources

East Ryde Joey Scout Program




Theme:         CHRISTMAS!                               

Meeting Type:       Hall



Activity Description





Coming in activity


Sheets and textas….


Opening parade




Snowball race


Beanies, scarves, spoon, snowball


Gift wrap


Boxes, paper and tape


Dashing sleighs


Card, string, cups of water, jug



Tree decoration

Icing Xmas cookies



Craft packs

Cookies, icing, sprinkles etc. plates


Frosty the snowman

Santa’s Nose


Snowman outline, cotton wool balls

Outline and red stickers


Pass the parcel


Two parcels




Song practice

Eat cookies!


Letter from Santa

Practice skit

Practice 12 days of Christmas



Closing parade








Christmas card puzzle


Christmas card puzzles


Santa seat scramble


















Bless all joeys everywhere,

Help them remember their promise to share.

Guide them all safely home today

And watch over them while they work and play.





Games/Craft Information:


Snowball Race:

Simple relay 2 teams, put on beany, scarf and carry spoon and snowball down the hall and back for the next person.


Gift Wrap:

Teams, one table each.  First table to wrap everything wins.  Prize may not be for the fastest team but the neatest!!


Dashing Sleighs:

Two teams, each team has a bit of card on a string.  Place a cup of water on the card and the joeys must pull the card ‘sleigh’ across the hall without spilling the cup of water. Empty the cup in the jug…


CRAFT: make up the craft kits and ice the Christmas Cookies


Frosty the Snowman:

Outline of a snowman (full size) pinned on the wall.  Joeys must throw wet cotton wool balls at him to score points. 10 for a button, 20 for an eye, 50 for the nose?


Santa’s Nose:

Blindfold the Joeys and try and stick the nose (red sticky dot) on the Santa face.


Pass the parcel: 

Two/three wrapped parcels and a story.  Joeys must pass the parcel left and right with the story.  Inside parcel is enough candy canes for each Joey….


Practise skit and Song





Christmas card puzzles– match the Christmas cards together


Santa Seat Scramble:

One chair per joey – 1.  Give everyone a name, Rudolf, Santa or Snowman.  Person in the middle with no chair calls a name, they must all get up and change chairs, the caller can now nab a chair and a new caller is made!




Pass the Parcel Story


It was Christmas Eve and Mrs Right was busy preparing goodies in the kitchen. The Christmas tarts were almost ready to come out of the oven. Gingerbread men needed the right frosting and the turkey was left to pick up.


A few gifts were left to wrap. But there wasn't much left to be done. She nodded her head as she ticked off everything left to do before Christmas Day. After all, she wanted to get everything just right for this special day!


Little Peter Right climbed onto a chair and gazed at the gingerbread men spread out before him. Would Mum notice if one was missing? What about just a right arm or a left leg? No, she would see what was left and know he'd been nibbling. It wouldn't be right, he thought with a sigh. Especially not on Christmas Eve with Santa coming tonight! Only a few hoursleft!


Mrs Right poured milk onto Danny's cereal and placed the bowl to theleft of his orange juice. "Eat your breakfast," she told him, then go right upstairs and get dressed. We'll go shopping with my list of errands that are still left to do.


Soon they drove out of the driveway and headed right toward the shopping centre. Mrs. Right hoped there would be some of those delicious oranges left and Mr. Right had said last night that the new flavour of eggnog was just right so she hoped there was some of that left too.


Meanwhile, Mr. Right left the butcher's shop with their Christmas turkey and headed left down North Avenue. He had one more present to pick up that he'd left until today he didn’t want Mrs Right to find it. He was very excited that Christmas was finally almost here! He turned right and pulled into the car park there was a space over on the left.


Mrs. Right and Danny Right arrived home and walked into the kitchen. There sat Mr. Right and their daughter Sarah Right, each eating a gingerbread man. All that was left of Sarah's was one arm and she popped that into her mouth.


We're finally ready for Christmas, Mrs. Right exclaimed. Nothingleft to do except wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!!



















Letters from Santa - WHAT A DAY!!

My dear Children

It is Christmas time again and everyone up here is very excited, I bet you are becoming excited as Christmas Eve draws nearer. Mrs Clause and I love to read letters from our dear boys and girls after supper at night time, we are looking forward to reading yours.

What an interesting time we have had at the North Pole this year. It seems almost every year something out of the ordinary happens. This is only to be expected as the North Pole is such an extraordinary place, but sometimes it can cause great concern, especially when we are trying hard to prepare for Christmas eve.

I am going to tell you about what happened on the 23rd October.  I still find it hard to believe so many things could happen in the space of just one day.

I woke to the sound of Mrs Clause pottering about in the kitchen.  Mrs Clause always likes to get up before everyone, she says it gives her time to enjoy the whale songs, they always sing best in the early hours of the morning.

I climbed out of bed and looked out of the window, it was a magnificent day.
I could feel Christmas magic everywhere, and thought to myself today was going to be very special indeed.  I put on my warmest Red Suit and went into the kitchen.

The first thing I did NOT notice was the smell of fresh fish being cooked. It was very odd.  Every day since the Polar Bears broke my sleigh in the Roly Poly game last year, they have caught 2 lovely fish and left them on the window sill for Mrs Clause and myself to eat for breakfast.  This morning however I smelled porridge and not fish, even though I have become accustomed to eating the fish for breakfast, I quite like porridge and decided it would be nice for a change.

Mrs Clause was flustered, I must say it is very unusual to find her in such a state. She was opening and closing cupboards and looking through her recipe books, she climbed on a chair checking the cupboard tops.  I asked her what it was she was looking so hard for and she told me her famous recipe for Christmas Pudding had gone missing.  My poor dear Merry was very concerned because if she didn’t find the recipe soon, there would not be time to prepare enough of the tasty treats to put in the sleigh on Christmas Eve.  Today was indeed extraordinary!! Mrs Clause and I sat down to eat our breakfast porridge and chatted as we ate. We decided the day could only get better.

We were wrong!

When I went to put my boots on, I could only find one. I searched and searched for the missing boot and so did Mrs Clause, but unfortunately we couldn't find it anywhere.

Luckily I still had my old boots, these are the ones Dasher had chewed a hole through the toe of a few years back. The Elves had done a marvellous job repairing the hole with some leather we had left over after making new harness for the reindeer. The Elves are very clever, they can make or repair almost anything. I really don't know what I would do without them.

Pulling on my old boots I went to the workshop, only to find everyone rushing about, looking here and there for the blue paint. It too was missing!

Every thing was going wrong today!!!

I said to the Elves not to worry, we would just have to paint the rest of the bikes red, and we would find out what had happened to the blue paint later. Minutes later I heard a cry of surprise, it seemed to come from near the Reindeer shed.

One of the Elves came rushing in. "Santa Santa" she was saying "Come quick, you must see what I have found!" She was so excited I followed straight away. You will never guess what she had discovered!

There in the corner of the Reindeer shed was my missing boot and tucked inside was Mrs Clause's Christmas pudding recipe, sitting on top of the recipe snug and warm, was Mistral the Snowy Owl. Mistral had decided it was time to lay a new clutch of eggs and had used the boot and the recipe for her nest. I am still not sure how the boot got to be in the Reindeer shed. The elves made Mistral a new nest and after I explained how important it was Mrs Clause had her recipe back and that I would be needing my boot she was very happy to move to the new nest. She has hatched 3 beautiful chicks, they are all doing well and it won’t be long now before they take their first flight.

Well as you can see the day had already been eventful but there was more to come.

I took Mrs Clause's Christmas pudding recipe back to her straight away, she was so happy she danced me around the garden. We laughed so much I got a stitch in my side.

I started to walk back to the workshop and noticed a giant snow ball rolling very quickly down the great glacier, I knew it was really one of the Polar bears playing Roly Poly and had a little chuckle to myself, they look so funny when they play Roly Poly. However when he reached the bottom I realised he was in great distress.

He rushed over to where I was standing and was trying very hard to tell me something but I couldn't make head nor tail of it, I had to give him a peppermint stick to calm him down enough to find out what was wrong.

The Reindeer had been playing tricks on the Polar Bears again, they had talked the walrus's into laying over the top of the Polar Bears fishing holes and had painted false holes with.....

You guessed it!! The missing blue paint, trouble was they had missed one of the holes and a baby Reindeer had fallen into the icy water. When we got there, Polly the Polar Bear was holding the poor little mite up to stop him going under the ice but she couldn't manage to lift him out of the water.

After a few minutes we had the baby safely tucked into my sleigh and took him quickly to Mrs Clause She always knows what to do if someone is upset or hurt.

I think the Reindeer learned a valuable lesson, they have promised not to be so silly again, and so far the Polar Bears and the Reindeer have been getting along very well.

I am very happy to be able to tell you, since that day all has been quiet at the North Pole, and everything is ready for Christmas Eve.

Have a lovely holiday and remember to always be kind and helpful.

Merry Christmas

Love Santa.












































Santa Clause Story


A Christmas story to share


Cast of characters

Santa.......................Ho Ho Ho

Mrs Clause ............Drive Safely Dear

reindeer..................Clucking noises

Christmas...............Ding dong ding dong or WOOOOO HOOOOOOO !

Helpers..................We'll do it Santa !!

Boys and Girls......That's us ! That's us !

Toys....................... choose which ever toys you like and add an appropriate noise ie;

Drum .....................Rat a tat tat

Train .....................Choo Choo

Dolls .....................I'm a barbie girl


STORM.....................Parents to make noise ( as loud as possible , stamping feet , clapping hands , banging pots etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Twas the night before CHRISTMASand in SANTA'Sworkshop at the north pole , SANTA, MRS CLAUSEand all the HELPERSwere working very hard loading all the TOYSinto the SLEIGH, for SANTAto deliver to BOYS and GIRLSaround the world that very night .

The REINDEERwere getting very excited because it was nearly time to leave. Outside SANTA's workshop , the snow was falling and the wind was blowing , inside it was cosy and warm , all the HELPERSwere singing and SANTAwas Ho Ho Ho-ing

The time for SANTAand the REINDEERto leave was very close .

The HELPERSwere getting the last of the TOYSout of the workshop and stacking them carefully into the SLEIGH. MRS CLAUSEwent back to the cottage to make something delicious for SANTAto take with him on the TOYrun when a loud crashing sound was heard way off in the distance.

"Oh dear!" said the HELPERSlooking up at the sky ......... "Oh my !!" said MRS CLAUSEas she looked out of the window seeing very dark clouds gathering in the distance , " I hope there is not going to be a STORM!"

The SLEIGHwas now fully packed and ready for the CHRISTMASeve TOYrun , the HELPERS....MRS CLAUSE............. SANTA........................ and the REINDEERall went into the great dining hall for a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows and a sing-a-long

Then the STORMstruck ! The REINDEERlooked at the far away horizon nervously, for they knew this was going to be a very bad STORM.

MRS CLAUSEand the HELPERStold SANTAhe would have to wait a few hours until the STORMblew over.

" The REINDEERand I must leave at once" said SANTA, "It is very late and CHRISTMASwill soon be here. BOYS and GIRLSall over the world are waiting for their TOYS , I cannot disappoint my dear children ."

And with this , SANTAsaid "It's time to leave" to MRS CLAUSEand the HELPERSand went outside to his REINDEERand SLEIGH.

It seemed like the worst STORM SANTAhad ever known , but he was determined to leave . SANTA checked the TOYSone last time , got into the SLEIGH, waved to MRS CLAUSEand the HELPERSand commanded the REINDEERto be off .

It was like a miracle!!!!! As Rudolph lead the REINDEERup and away from SANTA's workshop the STORMclouds broke and SANTAand his REINDEERwere able to deliver all the TOYSon time. Making it a very merry CHRISTMASfor BOYS and GIRLSeverywhere.