Joeys Programme Resources

JOEY SCOUT MEETING PROGRAM                                                           

Date:          Theme:  Caveman Theme   Meeting Type:         Leader: 


Activity Type

Activity Description

Equipment Required




Opening Parade,




Fast Game

Band-Aid Tag

Open space


Inside Game

Fruit Salad (Cave Man Version)

Chairs (one less than amount of children)



Caveman Body Shapes Painting

Large paper, paint newspaper paintbrushes sponges.


Inside slow game

Human Battleship Caveman version

Grid on ground and master sheet



Ah-So-Gi Cave man Chant




The Wandering Woolly Mammoth


Story , envelopes with words to fill in the gaps in the story.



Closing Parade


Band-Aid Tag (Cave man version)

One person is "it." Whenever someone is tagged by "it" they must hold a bandaid (their hand) on the spot where they were tagged. Then the game continues. When someone runs out of bandaids, (they get tagged three times),they must go to the Medicine Man to be fixed (usually a leader) and then join in the game again. Change the taggers regularly.

Fruit Salad (Caveman version)

Get a group of young people to sit on chairs in a circle, then get 1 young person to stand up and remove their chair so this leaves 1 person standing in the centre of the circle of chairs. everyone is labeled with three different types of weapons i.e. spear, rocks, axe  then when the person in the middle calls out one of the weapons the people have to move seats with the people with the same weapons. Or if the person in the middle of the circle calls out enemies then everyone must move. The person in the middle has to try and get a seat once he has called out a weapon.

Joeys trace around each other (with leader assistance) and cut out then paint their image as a cave painting to decorate the hall. Keep the paintings to use in the adventure program at the end of the term.


Have a grid marked on the ground (8 by 6 works well for us) and on a master sheet mark “traps” for the Joeys. Children must try to cross the dangerous ground without treading on the traps set by the enemy. They can only move one square at a time and if they tread on a trap they must go back to the beginning and give someone else a turn. A good game to  do whilst other Joeys are finishing craft.

Ah-So-Gi (Cave man Chant)

Everyone sits in a circle, and learns the 3 commands and their movements.
1) Ah! – the person says “Ah” loudly, and puts their left or right hand across their forehead in a saluting motion, with fingers pointing at the person next to them.
2) So! - the person says “So” loudly, and puts their left or right hand across their chin in a saluting motion, with fingers pointing at the person next to them.
3) Gi!– the person puts both arms together in front of them in a clapping motion and points to someone else, anywhere in the circle.
The phrases must always go in that order, and each phrase needs its correct hand motion. You go when you are pointed at by someone next to you using “Ah” or “So,” or by someone across from you using “Gi.” When you are “Gi”ed at by someone you start the sequence over again.
When someone makes a mistake (ie, goes out of order, uses the wrong hand motion, hesitates in confusion for too long) they are out.
That person leaves the circle and the group closes in the space. The person who was on right side of the exited person starts the sequence again, by saying "Ah!" and pointing to the left or right.
The game continues until there are two people left.


Story Time

This is a story the children help you tell. Give each child an envelope with a number on it. Each envelope has three words in it. When the story gets to their number they choose a word to fill in the blank. The words are as follows

1.      male name

2.      plural noun

3.      adjective

4.      adjective

5.      plural noun

6.      large number

7.      large number

8.      adjective

9.      adjective

10.  animal (plural)

11.  present tense verb

12.  fruit

13.  vegetable

14.  vegetable


The Wandering Woolly Mammoth

Many, many years ago there lived a woolly mammoth named 1. This woolly mammoth was not like the other mammoths. He didn't want to hunt 2. Even though he had a really 3, 4 coat of hair, he hated the cold. He dreamed of living in warmer places.

One day, his dream came true. He thought he took a short winter's nap, but when he awoke, almost all the ice around him was gone, and he was surrounded by grass and 5. He had hibernated for 6 years!

1decided to go explore his new neighborhood. Where his cave used to be, now there was a(n) 7-story building with 8 windows and 9 doors!

He tried to get inside, but the doorman wouldn't let him in, saying, “No 10 allowed!”

He didn't know what 10 were, but he knew he was afraid of them.

Feeling a bit confused, he wandered around until he saw a sign that said “Zoo.” It smelled like his friends, so he decided to 11 in. He found a section called 12, and they seemed to be very friendly animals, so he made himself right at home. The zookeepers discovered him, and they were happy to see him. They brought him big buckets of 13, 14, and 15. He finally felt at home!