Joeys Programme Resources

East Ryde Joey Scout Program




Theme:    Air                                    

Meeting Type:       Hall



Activity Description




Coming in activity

Spinning snakes, pens


Opening parade



Air – can we see it?

Fan, streamers, look outside at trees


Balloons aloft relay

Balloons, pairs


Balloon in a bottle

Plastic bottle, balloon


Hot and cold air

Warm water, ice water, balloon bottle


Cut out and try spinning snakes – warm air rises

Scissors, snakes, cotton, needle, heater


Joey ping pong

Ping pong balls, table


Things that fly

Paper, scissors, tape, paperclips


Fly your plane




Aesop Fable


Closing parade






Swat the balloon

Newspaper bats - balloons





















Bless all joeys everywhere,

Help them remember their promise to share.

Guide them all safely home today

And watch over them while they work and play.




Games/Craft Information:


Air – can we see it?  We can’t see air but we can feel it and see it when it moves things around. Turn on the fan and watch it move streamers, look outside if it is windy.  Can you feel the air moving around.


Balloons aloft– in pair holding hands, which pair can keep a balloon up in the air the longest.  Don’t let go hands!


Balloon in a bottle– can you blow up a balloon stuck in the neck of a drink bottle? Not unless you put a hole in the bottle to allow the air out.  The balloon can’t be blown up because the air in the bottle takes up space!


Hot and Cold air– cold air takes up less space than warm air – put the bottle with a balloon on top (facing outwards this time) in cold water, what happens to the balloon – now put the balloon in warm water.


Spinning snakes– cut out the snake and have a leader attached a cotton thread to the head.  Hold the snake over the heater.  What happens to the snake in the air air?  The snake spins because of it’s shape but it is the warm air rising up that makes it move at all.


Joey ping pong– spread the joeys around a suitable size table.  They each have a section to protect.  Place a ping pong ball in the centre and the joeys have to blow it away to stop it falling off their section of the table.  If it falls off they get a point.  Most points loses.  Or just have fun!  Variation – use a straw to blow a ping pong ball across the hall.


Things that fly– we have several different types of flying machines to make, planes, rings and helicopters.


Spare game:


Swat the balloon – use newspaper bats and swat balloons – keep them up in the air or keep them out of the circle….















The Wind and the Sun


An Aesop Fable


The wind and the sun argued one day over which one was the stronger. Spotting a man travelling on the road, they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat from the man's back the quickest.


The wind began. He blew strong gusts of air, so strong that the man could barely walk against them. But the man clutched his coat tight against him. The wind blew harder and longer, and the harder the wind blew, the tighter the man held his coat against him.  The wind blew until he was exhausted, but he could not remove the coat from the man's back.


It was now the sun's turn. He gently sent his beams upon the traveller. The sun did very little, but quietly shone upon his head and back until the man became so warm that he took off his coat and headed for the nearest shade tree.


Gentle persuasion is stronger than force