Joeys Programme Resources

East Ryde Joey Scout Program




Theme:    BP’s Birthday

Meeting Type:       Hall



Activity Description




Coming in activity

Sketching pencils and paper


Opening parade

Who was BP (short story)


Who was BP?


N.S.E.W. original



Finding BP

BP letters


Duck duck goose - BP style

(salute, l-hand shake, run!)



  • Kim’s game with half the Joeys
  • Half in kitchen for icing biscuits!

Selection of scout items


Arrowroot biscuits, icing, topping & cordial


BP Active story



Afternoon tea

Biscuits and cordial


Closing parade






Message relay game


























Bless all joeys everywhere,

Help them remember their promise to share.

Guide them all safely home today

And watch over them while they work and play.



Games/Craft Information:




BP was an excellent artist and sketched many things as he travelled around – can you sketch a something, a face, a flower, a car. Just a few lines of pencil no colouring in!!


NSEW – the original version. 


Show Joeys the compass points painted on the floor.  Can they work out which is North by thinking about the area they live in, does anyone live in North Ryde (which way is that) anyone near East Ryde shops (which way is that) and so identify the compass points – then play the game!!


Finding BP


Two teams – two sets of lettesr spelling Baden Powell hidden around the hall. One member of each team must go and find THE NEXT letter in the word to spell Baden Powell first.


BP’s duck duck goose.


Form a circle.  One Joey starts B B B B B   P etc. until someone is picked.  They then have to stand up, salute with the right hand, shake with the left and then run in opposite directions until one reaches the safety of the space in the circle.  The next one then goes – B B B B B.......  Point it to get Joeys to STOP, salute properly, shake with the left hand and THEN run.


If time allows – explain the origins of the left handed hand shake!


Kim’s game is an original BP special taken from the Rudyard Kipling book “Kim”


Joeys sit in a circle around a tray of items.  Have the same number of items as Joeys so each Joey has a chance to tell one item each. They have ?? seconds to look at all the items.  The items are covered and they each have to try and tell the leader one item on the tray.  They can all help to remember the last few hard ones.  It is a team game at this age!


Craft – Icing biscuits for afternoon Birthday tea!


BP active story – story with Joey help!


Message Relay


Divide into two teams.  The teams spread out the length of the hall end to end.  A message is whispered to the first Joey in each team. 

One message is “who’s birthday is it today”

The other message is “what does BP stand for?” 

The first Joey runs to the next Joey and delivers the message who then runs to the next and so on until the message reaches the end of the line.  The joey at the end (or leader) has to answer the question and the answer is passed back the same way. 


Simple game to improve listening skills!!  Team that wins gets the correct message and answer back!!


BP Story


Who was BP?


BP was a very well known English soldier who lived many years ago and is the person who “started” or founded Scouting.


He spent a lot of time in India and Africa and while in Africa took part in a very famous battle in a place called Mafeking


He was very clever and very brave and would pretend to be a butterfly collector and travelled around the countryside “spying” and remembering where the enemy camps were.


He would draw their positions and locations on pictures of butterflies and if the enemy found the pictures, they would just think it was a butterfly.


He would return to his camp with all the information drawn on his butterfly.


He would also use “scouts” to go into the countryside to spy on the locations, how many of the enemy, remember lots of other information, tracks and signs which they would bring back to camp to the generals.


In one very special battle at Mafeking, BP met a very famous African warrior who surrendered to BP. The warrior Dinzulu, gave BP a very long necklace of beads and as a sign of respect, laid down his spear and the shield protecting his body and shook hands with BP with his left hand.


This was a sign of respect and trust that BP would not harm the African Warrior.


When BP returned to England, he held a special camp on Browsea Island where he introduced young boys to lots of skills such as stalking, camping, cooking, knot tying, tracking, singing songs around the campfire.


Scouting is a game played all over the world in many different countries and lots of young people enjoy activities, learn and practice skills that BP learned and used as a soldier.


Scouts all over the celebrate BPs birthday on a special day called Founder’s Day on February 22nd each year.















History of Scouting story


Divide group into three sections. Section 1 responds to “JOEYS”, Section 2 responds to “CUBS”, Section 3 responds to “SCOUTS/SCOUTING”, and the whole group responds to “BADEN-POWELL”, and “GAMES”


·         JOEYS:                           Hop Hop Hop

·         CUBS:                             1 2 3 Wolf

·         SCOUTS/ING:                Make the Scout Sign (three fingers up on right hand) and
                                          say “Be Prepared!”

·         BADEN-POWELL:        Salute and say “He’s our Founder”.

·         GAMES:                          Hands straight up in the air and yell out “Hooray!!”


The Story:

Lord BADEN-POWELL was born in England on February 22, 1857.  When BADEN-POWELL was a young boy he loved to sleep out in a tent with his four brothers on weekends. BADEN-POWELL and his brothers would climb trees; sail boats, and they loved to play GAMES.


When BADEN-POWELL was 19 years old, he joined the Army and went to South Africa and India. BADEN-POWELL was a great hero in South Africa. BADEN-POWELL saved the town of Mafeking from an attack, which lasted 217 days. BADEN-POWELL had so few soldiers with him that he used young men to help with first aid, carry messages and do other jobs. BADEN-POWELL was pleased to see that they could be relied on. To teach these young men about the countryside around them, BADEN-POWELL made up GAMES, which he put into a book.


Back in England, BADEN-POWELL discovered that many young people were playing the GAMES that he had written for his men. So BADEN-POWELL took some of them on a camp to Brownsea Island and wrote a book of their own for them, called SCOUTING for Boys.


Many boys wanted to join SCOUTS. Some were too young, so BADEN-POWELL started a new section for younger boys called Wolf CUBS – using ideas he got from The Jungle Book.


In Australia CUBS was the youngest SCOUT section until JOEYS, for boys and girls, was started in 1990. JOEYS is for 6-7 year olds. We have lots of fun at JOEYS. We play GAMES, do craft and cooking, and explore the great outdoors on nature rambles. JOEYS is the start of the SCOUTING adventure, and by the time JOEYS reach the age of 8 they link to CUBS – and continue their SCOUTING adventure.


Now on 22 February (Founder’s Day) each year we remember BADEN-POWELL and the work he did to bring SCOUTING to children all over the world.






Description: Lefthand Hand Shake



As we know Scouts across the world all greet each other with a left-handed handshake and that it is a sign of trust and friendship but why did and how did Baden Powell come to decide to use it when he formed the Scout Movement

There is a story that when Baden Powell entered Kumasi, the capital city of the Ashanti he was met by one of the Great Chiefs of the Ashanti, he saluted them and then offered his right hand out as a sign of friendship, but the Chief transferred his shield which he held in his left hand to his right which contained his spear and offered his left hand as a sign of friendship.

When asked why Baden Powell was told that by offering his left hand which traditionally was used to hold a shield for protection he was showing his trust to his enemy or friend for without the shield for protection he was open to attack.