Joeys Programme Resources

Joey Scout Program                       




Theme:         Transport




Activity Description




Paper Bags for story add names to etc to each paper bag.



Opening Ceremony




Get on the bus first stop CARS

Game Red Light Green Light






Back on the bus next stop SCOOTERS

Have a relay with Scooters



Back on the bus next stop PLANES

Make paper aeroplanes and see who can fly the furthest.


Paper and space


Next stop TRAINS

Train relay each time the conductor returns to the end they pick up another carriage.




Next stop HORSES

Story: Trail Ride Mad Lib Word Game  

Words from Coming in Activity


Next stop BOATS

Sing Long Legged Sailor




Next stop FEET

Have another relay involving different ways to use our feet

(baby steps, backwards, hopping etc)



Closing Ceremony












Red light, Green light

The joeys all stand in a line behind a rope or string you've put on the ground. About 10 metres away from them put another rope or string and that's where the police officer gets to stand. The police officer needs to be with their back to the line of joeys. The officer then shouts "green light!" and that's when the joeys need to start running towards the officer. Right after yelling "green light", the officer counts a few seconds and yells out "red light!" and quickly turns around (once the joeys hear "red light" they need to stop/freeze). If the police officer catches anyone moving, they must return to the starting line. This continues until one of the players succeeds in crossing the line while the police officer's back is turned. That player then becomes the new Police Officer.


Trail Ride" Mad Lib Word Game

Find 9 small, paper bags. Label each bag with one of the following categories:

  • Your Name
  • Any Name
  • A Friend's Name
  • An Emotion
  • A Body Part
  • A Food
  • A Game
  • A Thing
  • A Place
  • An Emotion
  • A Color

Place bags on a table with small pieces of paper and pencils in front of each bag. As joeys arrive, have each person write an answer for each category and place them in the bags.

Later in the meeting, have joeys take turns reading the story below, drawing an answer from the appropriate bags for each blank in the story.



Yesterday, I went riding on my favorite horse, ______ (name). (S)he's ____________ (color), and loves to eat ____________ (food). After (s)he was saddled up, we decided to hit the trail for _____________ (place). As we were going through the woods, I noticed it was beginning to get dark. I was looking up when _______________ (name) suddenly jumped over a _____________ (thing). I was so ________ (emotion) that I slid out of the saddle and hit my __________ (body part.)
Fortunately _________ ("your name" category) came along, and we decided to head back to play ___________ (game) instead.