Joeys Programme Resources

East Ryde Joey Scout Program




Theme:      Colours – Blue!

Meeting Type:    Hall



Activity Description




Coming in activity

Colour in kites


Opening parade



Rain and Sun

Blue and yellow “wands”


Blue sky, Blue sea




  • Kites
  • Cloud in a bottle


Paper, tape, staplers, streamers, string

Bottle, water, match


Battleship – miss the rainclouds

Battleship grid


Kite Safety and kite flying

Kites from craft


Clouds across the sky

Straw and cotton wool ball, tables


Sun rises in the East




Story and word envelopes


Closing parade






























Bless all the Joeys everywhere,
Help them remember their promise to share.
Guide them all safely home today,
And watch over them while they work and play








Games/Craft Information:


Rain and Sun

One Joey is the sun, the other rain.  They have a yellow and blue “wand” each.  Joeys run around and if they are tagged by the sun they have to freeze or dry up until they get rained on by the rain Joey….  The sun has to try and catch the rain cloud as well and dry it up then the game stops and another two Joeys are picked.


Blue sea, blue sky

Joey Scouts are in two lines, about 1 metre apart, down the centre of the hall. One team is Blue Sea and the other Blue Sky. If Leader calls Blue Sea, they chase the other line. Anyone caught before reaching the wall joins the opposite team.



Making a kite – finish colouring in your kite and then fold as per the lines.  Attach a skewer and tail of streamers.  Add string and you’re done!  Keep the string quite short they will be flying in the hall!!


Cloud in a bottle – put some warm water in each bottle.  Put on the cap and shake the bottle well so the inside is nice and wet.  Pour out the water and drop in a lighted match.  Quickly put the lid on tight and shake the bottle again.  Now if you open the lid and squeeze the bottle you should get a puff of cloud coming out.  Clouds can only form when there is dust in the air (ash) and water vapour (warm water) finally you need a change in air pressure (squeeze the bottle) and out pops a little cloud!


Battleshipor “avoid the rain cloud”


Kite Safety & Kite Flying

Check for overhead power lines and trees. 

Are you near cliffs, river bank or road?

Is there a storm coming?

Watch out for Joeys bumping into each other!!


Clouds across the sky

Two teams, two tables – one Joey either side of the table – using a straw they have the blow the cotton ball across the table to the other Joey who has to blow it back and so zigzag across the table to the end.


Sun rises in the East…..

Start by explaining that the sun in the morning rises in the East (which way is East?) and it moves slowly across the sky and sets in the West (which way is West?).  North is the side we get most sun during the day, South is the side we get least sun.  This is just a variation on NSEW use the compass points on the floor to run them NSEW of the hall.

The Weather Station

Coming soon to a television channel near you: Dial-your-Weather!  Here’s 1 with more information for you.

Thanks!  This fabulous 2 new TV channel lets you see the weather in another city, and, if you like it, you can have that weather in your own city right away!

Is it too 3in 4?  Then choose another city like 5 and soon it will be 6 in your city too!  It's that 7 to do!

Some 8 bonus features include 9 winds, super 10 barometer pressures, and, for 11-level members, “Choose Your Storm.”

That's right, if you have a test and you didn't study, order a nice 12 storm and, “13!” you get a day off school!  Keep 14 this station for more information!

1.   name

2.   adjective

3.   adjective

4.   town

5.   town

6.   adjective

7.   adjective

8.   adjective

9.   adjective

10.               adjective

11.               colour

12.               weather type

13.               exclamation

14.               verb ending in -ing