Joeys Programme Resources

East Ryde Joey Scout Program




Theme: Round the World - China

Meeting Type:   hall



Activity Description





CIA:Colouring in sheet


Colouring in sheets, pencils


Opening Ceremony




Fly to China


Chairs, passports


Catch the Dragons tail


Dragon mask – crepe paper tail


Hopping Chickens




Craft: Chinese lanterns


Red paper




Moon Cakes


Chalk, whiteboard marker for score


Chopstick Relay


Chopsticks, marshmallows, bowls


Sit on mats – eat marshmallows and….




Story of the Chinese Zodiac signs




Act the Zodiac sign


Zodiac cards


Skit/song for Campfire




Fly home for Closing Ceremony




Dragon Tag

Zodiac matching game



Zodiac cards




















Bless all joeys everywhere,

Help them remember their promise to share.

Guide them all safely home today

And watch over them while they work and play.



Games/Craft Information:


Game: Catch The Dragon's Tail

Players line up, one behind the other, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. The person in front is the dragon's head and the person in the back of the line is, predictably, the dragon's tail. The object of the game is for everyone, except the player in front, to keep the head from touching the tail. The head, of course, is trying to do just that. The dragon's head steers the line around in a large open space trying to manoeuver the line so he can tag the last person in line. If he does, the tail becomes the head and the game starts again. The rest of the line tries to prevent the tag, but may not break the line to do so.


Game: Hopping Chicken

Each team has 10 sticks, they are laid on the ground like a ladder, about 10 inches apart.

One player from each team starts, hopping over the sticks without touching any of them. If a stick is touched, the player is disqualified. When the player has hopped over all the sticks he stops, still on one foot, and bends down to pick up the last stick. He then hops back over the remaining sticks. Reaching the beginning again, he drops the stick and the next team member sets off to hop over the nine remaining sticks, pick up the last one, and return. Play continues until all of the sticks have been picked up.


Game: Chopstick Relay

Divide the Joeys into two teams and get them to line up at one end of the hall. At the other end place some marshmallows in a bowl. Give the first Joey Scout in each team some chopsticks. They must run to collect a marshmallow using the chopsticks and walk back to their team without dropping the marshmallow, and place it in the team bowl. If they drop the marshmallow they run back to their team and hand chopsticks to the next Joey. The team that collects the most marshmallows wins. Don’t forget to eat the marshmallows at the end of the game (the un-dropped ones of course).


Moon Cake

A large circle is drawn on the playground with chalk. The radius of the circle should be at least as long as 4 large child-sized steps.  Divide the circle through the centre into segments, according to the age and abilities of your child, and write a number in each segment. Younger kids, for example could play with the circle divided into quarters, with the quarters marked 1, 2, 3 and 4. For older kids you might want to divide the circle into 12 and number 1-12. You can also number the segments randomly if you wish.

Divide the children into teams. Take one child from each team and stand them in the centre of the circle, blind fold them, and turn them around 3 times to disorientate them a little. Now let the child take 4 steps in any direction, take of the blindfold, and discover the number of the segment he has landed in.  When one member of each team has had a go, choose another player from each team. Continue until all children have had a go, and add up the numbers. The winning team has the highest score.


Craft – Chinese lanterns


Spare games


Dragon Tag

Game played as per couple tag. Two Joey Scouts hold hands (the dragon) and chase after the others. Once tagged you join the dragon. Game continues until all are caught.


Zodiac Signs Matching Game
Using images of zodiac signs to play matching game.










Chinese Zodiac Signs


Before playing the game read out the story of the Legend of the Chinese Zodiac Signs.


According to Chinese legend, the twelve animals quarrelled one day as to who was to head the cycle of years. The gods were asked to decide and they held a contest: whoever was to reach the opposite bank of the river would be first, and the rest of the animals would receive their years according to their finish.

All the twelve animals gathered at the riverbank and jumped in. Unknown to the ox, the rat had jumped upon his back. As the ox was about to jump ashore, the rat jumped off the ox's back, and won the race. The pig, which was very lazy, ended up last. That is why the rat is the first year of the animal cycle, the ox second, and the pig last.

The Chinese Zodiac is ordered as follows:


·         Rat

·         Ox (Cow)

·         Tiger

·         Rabbit

·         Dragon

·         Snake

·         Horse

·         Ram (Goat, Sheep)

·         Monkey

·         Rooster

·         Dog

·         Pig


Act the Zodiac Signs

Select a Joey to pick out a Zodiac sign (being careful not to show the other Joeys). They then act out their sign and the other Joeys need to guess which sign they are.




Skits and songs….