East Ryde Scout Group

The 1st East Ryde Scout Group was originally formed in 1958. It is one of the largest youth groups in the City of Ryde, with around 100 members from ages 6 to 18. The Group is part of the Moocooboolah Scouts District which extends from Meadowbank to North Ryde and as far East as Putney. Moocooboolah is the Aboriginal name for the local district meaning 'meeting of waters' being based around the point where the Parramatta and Lane Cove rivers join. The Moocooboolah Scout District is part of the Sydney North Region which currently has over 3000 youth members across the region and is in turn part of Scouts NSW.

Broadly speaking, the aim of the group, in accordance with the general aims of Scouting is:

to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of young people so they may play a constructive role in society as responsible citizens and as members of their local and international communities.

We also aim to provide a safe and supportive environment where both youth and adult members can have fun and enjoy many rewarding experiences. Scouting provides people young and old with opportunities to do things they may not be able to do elsewhere or may not have even considered doing.

The youth sections are for boys and girls:


Group Management and Support

The 1st East Ryde Scout Group is staffed entirely by volunteers. We rely on the support and time given by our adult members who act either as leaders for the youth sections or hold positions on the group committee. 

Group Vice Chair
Robert Onishe
Group Chairperson
Group Vice ChairVacant
Group Vice Chairperson
SecretaryAmanda Engert
placeholderAnna Kim
Fundraising and Events 
placeholderKate Lloyd
Hall Bookings
Group Vice ChairJeff
Web Admin / IT
 Group Vice ChairMichal Kucharski
Group Vice ChairAndrew Balestro

Committee meetings are usually held once/month. All parents are welcome to attend. Agenda and minutes are available by emailing the secretary.

Our committee consists of the following positions - follow the links to see what is involved.

Each year we hold working bees to carry out maintenance around the hall. Please look out for notices of upcoming working bees - everyone is encourage to come along for a couple of hours to help out!  


Fundraising and Group Commitment

Most of the fees paid as a member of 1st East Ryde Scouts are passed on to Scouts Australia.  As a result we can keep our fees low however that means we rely heavily on fundraising to support our group. Leader training & fees, new equipment, hall maintenance, activity and event subsidies and most other running costs of the group are funded through the various fundraisers we run throughout the year. Fundraising is not only a vital part of keeping our group going but it also provides a great opportunity to socialise and spend time with your children and other members of the group. As part of the group, all 1st East Ryde Scout Families are expected to take on their fair share of fundraising commitment and are asked to add their name/s to rosters or to become involved as and when these events arise.


Camps, Events and Parties

camp fire pic During the year our youth members have opportunities to take part in a range of camps, hikes and other outdoor events. We participate in and are involved with a number of Scouting and related activities both within the Moocooboolah district as well as Region, State and National events such as:

  • District and Regional Camps (Cubs and Scouts)
  • District Camp Fire (Joeys)
  • Scouthike (Scouts)
  • District Rally (All sections)
  • Regional Fun Days (Joeys and Cubs)
  • District Bike Hikes
  • Cuboree (Cubs - every 3 years)
  • Jamboree (every 3 years - for Scouts and some Venturers)

We also have several group events each year which the whole family are invited to join:

  • Family Camp 
  • Group Campfire - sometime in the Winter
  • Group Christmas Party - at the end of the year



Thank you to the organisations that support scouting at East Ryde Scout Group.

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